Programming Posts

Spring Boot 2 + PostgreSQL + JWT + React - Full Stack Web Development - Part 2 RESTful Web Service

22 Jun 2019  5 mins read.

Our application works quite well, but we would like to use the REST principles and manage data via HTTP requests. In Spring Boot, HTTP requests are handled by controller cla...

Spring Boot 2 + PostgreSQL + JWT + React - Full Stack Web Development - Part 1 Spring Initialzr and JPA

21 Jun 2019  9 mins read.

In this series, we will create a modern web application using Spring Boot 2.1.5 and React. We will start from the backend creating an API in Spring Boot and using the PostgreSQL...

Design Patterns used in Spring Framework Part 2 - Creational Patterns (Factory, Builder, Singleton, Prototype).

02 Jun 2019  16 mins read.

Creational design patterns deal with object creation mechanisms, trying to create objects in a manner suitable to the situation. In this article, I will describe the most popula...

Design Patterns used in Spring Framework Part 1 (Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection).

30 May 2019  8 mins read.

A lot of ground will be covered in these posts, but it will all center around Spring Framework. I will show you the most important design patterns used in Spring, thanks to whi...

How to set up custom domain for Github Pages with HTTPS

25 May 2019  2 mins read.

The purpose of this guide is to add a custom domain pointing to the website on Github Pages. The domain will use an SSL certificate. Finally, we’ll add the domain to Google. The...

Creating Jekyll Automated Deployment to GitHub Pages with CircleCI

20 May 2019  6 mins read.

A few days ago I logged in to Google Webmaster Tools to check if my blog is already available on google. I was surprised because the site was blocked. The addresses in sitemap.x...